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Precious Newborn Photography Portland // Little Chanel

By: Sun and Sparrow

Best Newborn Photography Portland

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Capturing Precious Moments: Chanel’s Perfect Newborn Photoshoot

It’s always interesting to see how people find me. I try to put Sun and Sparrow out there, on a lot of different platforms. Chanel’s mama reached out to me on Yelp, which is becoming a huge source of my inquiries these days. She was a breath of fresh air, and I was so excited to help her with her photoshoot. 

Now that the pictures are taken and the images are edited, I am so excited to share these adorable photographs with everyone! It was so interesting to talk to Chanel’s parents about their lives and their new joy. They used to live in Mexico, but they fell in love with the Pacific Northwest and moved to Portland. I am so thankful that they did because I got to take photos of this precious little one. 

Newborn Studio Sessions with Sun & Sparrow

Newborn photography is a gentle art. I believe photographing newborns is a photoshoot type that takes a unique skill set. Over the years I’ve found lots of ways to keep newborns happy while we capture this beautiful moment, and I am thankful to everyone who has been a part of that journey. Often, I find myself in a house with a new mama and daddy, making tiny folds and gently moving tiny hands into soft and precious positions. I love the unique and personal style of photographs that come from using someone’s home in their newborn pictures.

It has been a dream of mine for a long time to have my studio, and finally, Sun and Sparrow has our own studio! I am finding myself dreaming again; of moldings, and lighting setups, along with the moments and smiles that make a photo studio somewhere worth being. Having a safe place where Chanel’s family could come and have their pictures taken was such a relief and I can’t wait to take more pictures in here!

Six Tips To Make Your Newborn Photoshoot the Best It Can Be!

Newborn Photography Portland

  • Babies sleep after they are sure you have had none!
    • Do your shoot in the morning. Around 9 am is best
  • A full baby is a sleepy baby
    • Feed the baby when the Photographer arrives so that the baby is fully fed and ready to sleep just as the photographer finishes setting up the props (for in-home photoshoot)
  • Be intentional about the styles you choose
    • I recommend choosing colors that go with the theme of your nursery or would transition well into your home
  • Turn that heat up!
    • If you’re not doing a shoot in the studio make sure that your house is extra warm so that the baby can sleep well!
  • Be prepared for the session to feel like you have a newborn.
    • Newborns often cry and there may be some surprises so patience is key!
  • Allow yourself to enjoy the moment!
    • Keep your expectations open and be ready to experience realness and beauty

Looking for Newborn Photography Portland?

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Come see some of our other sessions and get a better idea of what works for you!

Ellie Fuqua, Sun and Sparrow

Hi, I’m Ellie, a dreamer, and lover of romantic moments and unrelenting connections. In over 10 years of photographing newborns, my interest in photography has grown from simply making pretty pictures -to creating the most wonderful and powerful moments for kind and loving people, all the while capturing those permanent memories. Creating awe-inspiring imagery to match those unforgettable moments is my dream come true and I hope that by creating your wedding imagery together, we can make your wedding dreams come true too.

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