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Christian & Bree // Mermaid inspired engagement in Malibu

Palos Verdes wedding Photographer 0001©2020 Sun & Sparrow // Malibu wedding and engagement photographers

engagement los angeles wedding photographer

It all started January 9, 2019, when we matched on a dating app called Coffee Meets Bagel. As two old-fashioned individuals, we never imagined we would meet our future spouse this way, but God had other plans! We met for lunch on a Saturday, and had a great time chatting with each other. We both felt there was something special, and we’ll never forget the first words out of Bree’s mouth: “I’m so glad you look like your picture.” From then on, God continually grew us closer together and blessed our friendship. After 4 months of dating, praying, laughing and learning, we felt God leading us to take the next step of pursuing marriage.

On March 13, 2020, I got down on one knee at our favorite place, Disneyland, and asked the best question I could ever ask my girl: “Will you marry me?” Our engagement was the biggest step in our journey so far and easily the most incredible. God has given us such a deep, Christ-like love for each other, and we long to glorify Him by faithfully choosing to love each other for the rest of our lives. With Jesus being our first love, we consider ourselves beyond blessed for the gift of marrying the second love of our lives. 

The closer we get to saying “I do”, the more surreal it becomes. To say we’re excited to marry our best friend is a flagrant understatement. As the groom, the moment I am looking forward to the most is seeing my beautiful bride, Bree, in her dress for the first time as she walks down the aisle. As the bride, the moment I have daydreamed about the most is watching Christian’s face when he looks at me for the first time in my wedding dress. We both long to hear the words, “I now pronounce you man and wife.” The most wondrous anticipation of all is the joyous privilege of honoring, serving, and loving each other for the rest of our lives. 

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  • Bree

    these pictures are stunning! Wow!ReplyCancel

  • Tiff

    I adore this session!! ReplyCancel

  • SunSparrow

    So glad that we could be a part of your fairytale story! ReplyCancel

  • Christian

    simply gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • Kylie

    I love this couple and these photos are a dream!!! ReplyCancel

  • Hayley

    I am soo excited for you guys to get married!! These pictures are lovely! ReplyCancel

  • Lydia graTland

    So beautiful!!!ReplyCancel

  • Michelle page

    As someone who makes ENGAGEMENT and wedding rings for a living, i meet and see a lot of couples. Bree and Christian are by far one of my favorite couples ever! Their Love for one another and their God pours out of them! These pictures are AMAZING!! YOU’VE captured the essence of who they are! Gorgeous! Stunning! Im overjoyed for them both! 


    • SunSparrow

      I agree with you fully. These two bring so much joy to my heart. They have so much humility and beauty that they carry. I can’t wait for their wedding and share in the glory of what God is doing in the next years of their lives.ReplyCancel

      • MIchelle

        Yes!! It is going to be so WONDERFUL to watch these two go through life together! I can’t wait to see the beautiful pictures you take of their wedding too!!

  • Kaitlynn

    These are soooo beautiful, Little mermaid vibes coming in strong! Such a dreamy setting! ReplyCancel

  • these are so gorgeous!!!ReplyCancel

  • Ashley

    What a beautiful couple. Love you. ReplyCancel

  • fairytale coupleReplyCancel

  • Ashley

    I love you both! You are such a beautiful couple, inside and out!

  • Nikki

    These are gorgeous!!ReplyCancel

  • Jen


  • Danielle

    These are so dreamy and so lovely!! A fairy tale! ReplyCancel

  • Kelly

    So beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • So gorgeous!! Wow!!ReplyCancel

  • Isaac


  • Shaina

    Beautiful, so happy for you!ReplyCancel

  • Ida

    You guys are so cute!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous


  • Jacqui

    Wow! What a beautiful story… and what gorgeous pictures!! Congratulations!! ❤️❤️❤️


  • Mary Lynne Mikhail

    I remember Christian telling me that he met someone and he thinks she’s “The One”. I was so excited for my cousin!!!! I can’t wait for you two to get married and for Ava to be in your wedding. We absolutely love Bree and can’t wait to add another cousin to our family!!! I love your pictures so much. You two look stunning. ReplyCancel

    • Michelle

      Awwww! I love this comment so much!! ReplyCancel

  • Jaime

    So beautiful they look like dIsney magic Pictures. I’m so excited for both of you. Love you ReplyCancel

  • Grace

    Picture perfect couple!!!!ReplyCancel

  • J$

    These are amazing!!! ReplyCancel

  • Courtlyn Trow

    These photos are gorgeous! ReplyCancel

  • Sarah

    I want to pin all of these photos on my wedding pinterest board! Absolutely stunning! ReplyCancel

  • BrittanY

    I love these! So gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • Lama

    You are so beautiful ReplyCancel

  • shannon

    Omg the sunlight, the dress, your hair!! I remember in 2018 we were all talking about your wedding day and i can’t believe it is so near! Congratulations you gorgeous people!ReplyCancel

  • Meli

    BREATHTAKING!!! Wow wow wow!ReplyCancel

  • Sam mayhew

    The photos are beautiful. They express the joy and love that these two have for each other, the beauty of love as God designed it. I thank God for his blessings to Christian and Bree, and rejoice in their faith in Christ and their desire to live lives pleasing to God and glorifying Him. ReplyCancel

  • Mom #2

    You two look HeavEnly Especially thE way you gaze in each others’ eyes!ReplyCancel

  • Jodie

    Stunning photos for a stunning couple!ReplyCancel

  • Michelle



    Absolutely beautiful! ReplyCancel

  • Rose

    Such a beautiful photo shoot of such a beautiful couple.  Congratulations i just adore the love felt in theses photos. There really capture the love you have for each other!ReplyCancel

  • SCOTTy Burkholder

    Very happy and excited for my cousin Bree and her groom Christian. as we grew up together as kids (even though im a little younger), she is basically my sister and i want nothing but happiness for her.ReplyCancel

  • Grandma Sue

    i feel that the pictures tell a story. i love stories. they make me want to cry. ReplyCancel

  • Grandpa dennis

    I’ve always wanted to have a mermaid in the family. and these photos prove it! can’t wait to watch them live out their lives together. ReplyCancel

  • Meli oliver

    So sweet ReplyCancel

  • Claudia Ermey

    YOUR photographer really nailed iT!! STUNNINGReplyCancel

  • J Block

    What beautiful people, inside and out!


  • Kristin

    What beautiful pics!!!ReplyCancel

  • Sara

    So beautiful!! 


  • Cheryl Burkholder

    These pictures are wonderful. Bree and Christian have been blessed by God. it shows in their expressions, smiLes and warmth that was captured perfectly by the camera! Beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Steve Burkholder

    Beautiful pictures, Godly couple, “All praise to our Triune God!” G-ho ho, AZReplyCancel

  • Kaitlyn

    Beautiful pictures! Love this couple. ReplyCancel

  • Jt

    Such great photos!ReplyCancel

  • Kimi

    These pictures are amazing! Beautiful! – love, KimiReplyCancel

  • Sarahbeth

    The most beautiful photos! 


  • Megan

    Love these! So excited for you both!ReplyCancel

  • Jack

    Holy macaroni! What a great couple!ReplyCancel

  • Kimi

    You look amazing!! BeautifulReplyCancel

  • Kiley

    These pictures are gorgeous! So excited for you guys! ReplyCancel

  • Austin

    Like a Fairytale!ReplyCancel

  • Allison


  • Natalie

    Wow! These are so beautiful! Right out of a fairytale!ReplyCancel

  • Ann mayhew

    The pictures are beautiful!!!!!❤️❤️ReplyCancel

  • Samantha E Cooney

    100% Disney couple! They are so truly amazing and deserving of all things happy and beautiful. Absolutely stunning!


  • Linda Messer

    incredible Photos – couLd be models – cant wait to sEe these two marry and Serve christ Together!ReplyCancel

  • Korah Collison

    So beautiful !!!!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Brown

    These pictures are so beautiful they are ethereal!


  • Oh my goodness! These are stunning. Everyone of these pictures should be in a magazine!! I love all of them. 

  • Patricia A Gillette

    The essence of their love was truly capturedReplyCancel

  • Carrie

    Beautiful photos of a beautiful couple! Looking forward to a new member in the family!!! Love you both!!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous

    Bree, you look like a model in these photos! What a very creative and awesome photographer! You both look beautiful and so happY! Congratulations!❤️❤️ReplyCancel

  • Connie

    Bree these photos are beAutiful! You both look so happy. What a very creative photographer! Congratulations!❤️❤️ReplyCancel

  • Kathleen LaCanfora

    Look at this beautiful princess and her Prince Charming! I can’t wait to work with you to help make their wedding, their best day ever!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa chow

    Beautiful photos! Dreamy, romantic, and true to the couple. CONGRATULATIONS, Bree! ReplyCancel

  • Nina eivers

    Just stunning you two! Beautiful ❤️❤️ReplyCancel

  • Joan Hull

    Beautiful PHOTOS of a beautiful COUPLE!ReplyCancel

  • Christine Richter

    this photographer has the gift of being able to share a story in pictures…love ya BreeReplyCancel

  • Pam Garner

    I cant wait to see this darling couple get marriedReplyCancel

  • Todd

    I don’t have Instagram but i am Bree’s step father and these pictures are phenomenal!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous

    Christian and Bree THESE are the most beautiful pictures! I could have never imagined them to be even more beautiful I love you both, MomReplyCancel

  • Anonymous

    Bree,  the photos are stunning   congratulations!ReplyCancel

  • Hannah

    I heard disney is going to base their next Princess movie off of this Beautiful couple’s photo shoot ReplyCancel

  • Tammy

    amazing pictures!ReplyCancel

  • David Lovik

    Wonderful! I like everything about this.ReplyCancel

  • Nina

    This is by far the most beautiful photo shoot I’ve ever seen! the photographer hit this out of the park. it doesn’t hurt to have two beautiful people who OBVIOUSLY love one another. Bree you are simply stunning. your beauty glows from the inside out. CHRISTIAN your name says it all. love it!  ReplyCancel

  • Diane burkholder

    I am so happy to be welcoming Christian into our family.  You have made my beautiful granddaughter very happy and our family has gained a wonderful new member with Christian. The pictures… stunningly beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • Myla S

    Absolutely beautiful photos!!! Love you both so much!!ReplyCancel

  • Taylor

    Literally a fairy mermaid queen! Yall deserve a free canvas idc what anyone says.


  • Halie kreitz

    LOVE this couple. They are so precious and BEAUTIFUL!!! ReplyCancel

  • Halie

    So BEAUTIFUL ReplyCancel

  • Emma

    So excited and happy for you both!ReplyCancel

  • April schuss

    Wow!!!! So veautiful you two!!!! ❤️❤️ReplyCancel

  • Casey Searle

    Beautiful as always! So excited for you.❤️ReplyCancel

  • Craig

    The pictures are amazing!ReplyCancel

  • Ryan

    Who needs disney princesses when you are a real princessReplyCancel

  • Kit Cameron

    Your pic are incre gorg ReplyCancel

  • Doug Darrell

    Howdy family partners, you is a bringing a tear to my eyes wit your confound beauty like. Youve done did your parent folk proud by many ways. Stay on this bull called life and itll take you to the right barn. Yehaw alL the wayReplyCancel

  • Winnie the Pooh

    Oh bother… my beautiful breeanne is all grown up now, the 100 acre wood wont be the same without you. But the hunny will be here when you get back loveReplyCancel

  • Vinny “the spunk”

    Hey hey hey, look at my boy Chris. Seems like a forever ago when we mEt in that dark subway under the new York suburbs. Looks like you landed yourself a real beauty There kid. If she can make a the spaget like me mama then shell take a care of ya alrightReplyCancel

  • Chris 3

    You guys are simply the greatest! Love having you in my life!


  • Alfonso

    Yooo! Look at these angels man! ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Wright

    Amazing pictures! I can see the love!ReplyCancel

  • Christina

    so beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Amy Lovik

    Gorgeous photos!!ReplyCancel

  • Gail Peterik

    these photos are magnificent! you two are just too cute!ReplyCancel

  • Ann Reineke

    Breathtaking photos that capture their beautiful love for Christ and each other.ReplyCancel

  • Mary Lynne Mikhail

    I can’t wait for your wedding!!! You two are so such a good looking couple!ReplyCancel

  • MYla

    SO beautiful!!!! ReplyCancel

  • Michelle

    Love! I Can’t even imagine the wedding being more beAutiful or magical!ReplyCancel

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WOWwwww... Newborn sessions have quickly become a favorite of mine! If you told me that 4 years ago, I would have been SHOCKED! 

It was a struuuuuuuugle bus for me, at first, working with babies because I didn't realize how important it was to wrap them properly... not because of aesthetics, but because it helps them stay ASLEEP! 

But here I am alllll excited to do another newborn session with multiple setups and a super squishy newborn. 

Ahhh! I love my job!!!

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