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Little Lulu // Redondo Beach dreamy newborn photographer

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Redondo Beach dreamy newborn photographer // ©2018 Sun & Sparrow South Bay maternity and in-home newborn session photographer 

From Alexis, Our New Mommy

Luciana “Lulu” was born on August 14, 2018 at 10:33 a.m. weighing 9 pounds and eleven ounces, and measuring 20 3/4 inches long.  I was in labor for just over 24 hours before she was born. I went into labor on a Monday morning when I was 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My husband had just left for work when I realized the cramps I was feeling were actually coming in waves and getting stronger and stronger. I called him and told him it was time to go around 11:00 am. I still felt ok so I showered and labored at home for a little while, and we decided to head to the hospital when my contractions were about 3 minutes apart, around 4:00 pm.

Once we got to the hospital I was 3 centimeters dilated and the contractions were getting stronger. I walked the labor and delivery floor halls with my husband and two aunts who were cheering me on.  The contractions kind of stalled a bit and I hadn’t dilated any more after a couple hours so around 1:00 am the doctor suggested pitocin and I asked for an epidural.  After that we all got some rest. The doctor came in to check me at 8:00 am and I was fully dilated and almost ready to push. She broke my water and at around 9:30 a.m. I started pushing.

Pushing was the best part! I loved seeing the progress I was making and being able to feel the baby’s head was so encouraging! I will never forget the moment she came out and I got to hold her for the first time. I wish I could relive that moment over and over again. The first few weeks of being a mom have been so incredibly wonderful. I love everything about being a mom and I am so thankful to Tiffani for capturing the most special time in mine and my husband’s lives.

Dreamy Redondo Beach In-Home Newborn Photos

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    When your dreams come true... not just for this mama, but for me!!! One of my besties is going to be a mama!!! We have been talking about this day since the moment we met over 10 years ago! 🥹😭

@savannahcontent , you're going to be the BEST mama, and I can't wait to watch your fairytale unfold. You deserve this precious moment soooooo very deeply. I am so proud of you already, just watching you in this beautiful era of motherhood. Cheers to all that is to come with your newborn baby girl! 

#pregnancy #maternitypictures #dreamyphotography #forest #southerncalifornia #photographer